💠D-Hyper E-commerce Platform

The D-Hyper e-commerce platform operates on the basis of the User Data Platform. The platform makes it possible to create various commercial applications in the NutGain browser.

At the same time, we provide a full range of services to commercial applications, including the ability to accept cryptocurrencies and organize marketing promotion of projects, offering various marketing and advertising programs. Users will be able to make purchases of different goods and receive special discounts. Purchases can be made using various cryptocurrencies as well as by directly redeeming NutGain token.

Using the NutGain token allows us to provide discounts and apply various loyalty and incentive programs for both sellers and buyers. It makes using the NutGain browser profitable for sellers and buyers. A NutGain token will allow us to increase customer loyalty and help the growth of the ecosystem and the number of NutGain users.

The presence of marketing programs optimized to customer preferences will allow commercial applications to attract exactly those customers who are interested in buying this category of goods. At the same time, customers independently decide whether they should give their personal data for commercial use. For the fact that customers share their preferences, they receive payment in NutGain tokens, which increases their loyalty and commitment to the NutGain browser.

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